Innovating for a Healthier Ocean Future

Explore the world of “ropeless” gear with us


Ropeless fishing gear, also known as “subsea bouy retrieval systems”, “pop-up” or “on-demand” fishing gear, refers to a fishing system designed to minimize the presence of vertical lines in the water. Traditional pot and trap fishing methods use buoys and vertical lines to mark and retrieve gear. Ropeless gear, on the other hand, employs a mechanism, often acoustic or time-release based, allowing fishermen to call or trigger their gear to the surface only when they are ready to haul it in.


We are a group of volunteers seeking to empower fisheries of all shapes and sizes to seize opportunities that help them co-exist with nature while being more productive and profitable.


Click on any of the links to view some of our work highlighted by others…

Gear Marking and Interoperability

A comprehensive approach to multi-manufacturer gear marking means no more guesswork when trying to set gear around other fishermen…

Virtual Gear Marking removes the guesswork for fishers


The adoption of ‘ropeless’ fishing technology is driven by various factors, including the frequent loss of fishing gear due to environmental forces such as ocean currents, weather, wave action, and tidal movements. This problem is intensified in busy maritime areas, increasing the likelihood of gear loss. Use of these systems can help address issues like the illegal cutting of lines or poaching. Crucially, they also help mitigate the significant issue of marine life entanglements.

The Gear 2023

Updated annually, this list of available gears tested and trusted within our research has proved to have reliability scores of 98% or higher. Links to manufacturer’s websites and videos are included.

Ropeless is Real: Report

The “Ropeless is Real” report addresses the issue of marine mammal entanglement in fishing gear, particularly affecting the endangered North Atlantic right whale. Ropeless fishing gears utilize a variety of release systems to eliminate the need for vertical lines, thus reducing the risk to marine life. These innovations, developed over 20 years with private and federal support, offer a practical approach to mitigate the threat to these critically endangered species.

Ropeless Research Compendium

Here you will find a collection of published relevant research collected by our group including Exempted Fishing Permit Applications, Patent Applications, and past research publications.

“The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little more time.”

-Lady Aberdeen

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